Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Discrimination And The Field Of Science - 1498 Words

As a student coming from a purely humanities background, the idea that gender discrimination could occur in the field of science as a concept was completely alien to me. However it has come to light that gender discrimination in the field of science is not a myth but in fact a harsh reality for which the reasons remain skewed. As according to Linda S. Dix, it is not an easy matter to assess the magnitude of gender discrimination and how that affects the careers of scientists, both men and women, positively and negatively. Discrimination is often subtle and thus difficult to identify or locate. Due to its subtleness, it makes it difficult to measure since it can be entwined with other forms of particularism like age. As a result researchers have come to rely on indirect rather than direct measures of discrimination which was also propounded by Harriet Zuckerman. Most researchers have come to agree that differences in career attainments between men and women occur as an outcome of gender discrimination. As per research ‘gender’ provides a perspective from which one could examine the biases that exist in the larger society. Some believe that to arrive at a more eloquent understanding of the problems of women in science , one should begin by asking what is the nature of science space that leads to under-representation and marginalisation of women rather than questioning the situation of a woman’s life that makes it difficult for her to pursue science. Thus, that genderShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination Against The Engineering Field1527 Words   |  7 PagesThere is lots of discrimination against in the engineering field. Through my research and judging from the articles that I found, it shows that gender stereotypes is still prevalent in the engineering field. 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